My Albums...

Olga Nikolaievna's Album 1

Mama, Papa, and Me...

With my parents, 1896.

With Mama and Papa Parents Mama and Me again
With Mama, in her Mauve Room

With Great-Grandmother...

Meeting My great-grandmother and Godmother, Queen Victoria.

With Mama and Papa as a baby...

Me with Tatia...

With baby sister.



1898, at Peterhof, with Tatiana.

Crimea with nannies

1900, the Crimea. I'm with my sisters.

Me, cousin Ella, and Tatia...

Tatiana and I pose with our cousin Ella.

With Vanka!

Sisters with Vanka, the donkey in 1906.

Peterhof session, 1906

Peterhof, 1906.

With Mama... OTMA
At Peterhof... Onboard with Mama In court dress... Sleighing!
Skating with Nastas... OTMA in suits On film...

Me in 1910, colored by Lanie...

Formal 1910 shot, colored by Lanie.

Visiting the Swedes...

June, 1909, at Tulharn, Sweden. Visiting the Swedish royals, including Papa's first cousin, Maria Pavlovna the Younger, who married Prince Wilhelm of Sweden in May of 1908.

On the street... Roses with Tanya and Anna V. ...

Skating on the Standart!

Roller skating on the Standart in 1910.

In the trees... Tennis! We girls with Alexei... At the beach with Tatia and Anya...
Posed in court regalia... In court dress... With Mama and Tania... Me with a Tree!
With Tanya

Getting my hair done...

1911, cruising the Baltic coast on the Standart. I'm having my hair done.

In Mama's boudoir... OTMA Inside...
With officers...

I don't look thrilled...

1911, cruising.

Me on the Standart deck... Overhead!